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Change of the number of cross-border commuters to Lux. working in the care sector 2009-2013

≥ +200
+120 - +199
+60 - +119
+20 - +59
+5 - +19
-5 - +4
-6 - -16

Cross-border commuters to Lux. working in the care sector 2013 (in % of the sector)

15,0% - 17,5%
10,0% - 14,9%
5,0% - 9,9%
1,0% - 4,9%
0,3% - 0,9%
0,0% - 0,2%
en/legend/gisgr/commuters_health_care_2009_2013.1579187483.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/16 15:11 by