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en:mgp_3 [2010/11/15 10:12]
en:mgp_3 [2012/01/02 16:15] (current)
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 +====== 3. Ergonomics ======
 +In this chapter the general way to use the geoportal's functions is described. 
 +====== 3.1 Page structure ======
 +All the pages are composed of:
 +  * **A header** : the horizontal stripe and one or more lines with general functions
 +  * **A menu on the left side** : the specific functions of the geoportal
 +  * **A principal part** : Static and dynamic information in connection with the actual function
 +  * **A footer**
 +====== 3.2 Navigation principles ======
 +The navigation principles are the same on every site page.
 +On the 1st and 2nd level, the navigation is organized in the vertical navigation bar on the left side, with mouse-over effect and highlighting of the active link by means of color change from blue to orange.
 +{{ :en:3:gpw001.png }}
 +From the 3rd level downwards, navigation is incorporated in the page contents.
 +{{:en:3:gpw005.png|}} Every page has an arrow button on the upper right, which leads to the superior level.
 +====== 3.3 Presentation of the content pages ======
 +The pages generally display a frame with a title composed of:
 +  * the function of the superior level
 +  * the actual function
 +On the 1st navigation level, the pages contain a brief presentation of all the 2nd level functions.
 +On the 2nd navigation level, the pages contain the specific information for the actual function.
 +====== 3.4 Footer ======
 +{{ :en:3:gpw003.png }}
 +=== Top of the page ===
 +By clicking on the link mentioned above, the user can go back to the top of the page.
 +=== Other information and copyright ===
 +At the bottom of every page, on the right, the following information is displayed:
 +  * © Editor
 +  * Legal aspects concerning the use of the website
 +  * Contacts
 +====== 3.5 Languages ======
 +{{ :en:3:gpw004.png }}
 +The geoportal is multilingual : Luxembourgish, French, German and English are supported. To change the language, click on the corresponding button on the upper left of the page: 
 +====== 3.6 Paginated lists ======
 +{{ :en:3:gpw006.png?700 }}
 +All the lists with search results are paginated and contain the information split into different pages. The properties of the list contents are displayed:
 +  * Total number of items in the list
 +  * Links to the different list pages, where the actual page is displayed in bold characters
 +  * Arrows to open the page before, or the next page
 +  * A button to display the complete list without pagination
 +====== 3.7 Sort ======
 +{{ :en:3:gpw007.png?700 }}
 +All the lists can be sorted by any of its columns, either in ascending or descending way.
 +After being sorted, the list is reinitialized and the first list page is displayed. 
 +====== 3.8 Tags ======
 +To clearly present the contents, tags are frequently used.
 +Every tag header reacts to clicking. When a new tag is opened, the fields in the actual tag are automatically validated before switching to the new tag.
 +====== 3.9 Actions ======
 +The different actions that can be done at a certain stage are represented by hypertext links, whose clickable text explains the action.
 +The different options are simply separated by the character  .
 +Except for the very specific actions, the current actions will generally use the following terms:
 +  * **Create** : to create a new entity
 +  * **Modify** : to modify an existing entity
 +  * **Validate** : to validate and store encoded values
 +  * **Cancel** : to disregard the newly encoded values and restore the original values in the fields
 +  * **Back** : to go back to the element before or to the upper level
 +The text is completed by an indication of the entity on which the function operates. For example "Back to the order list".
 +====== 3.10 Colours ======
 +A simple colour code is used in the interface, to specify the current state:
 +  * **Blue** : validated and inactive part 
 +  * **Orange** : activated part currently undergoing modification
 +Note : For tags without any content, the text remains blue and italic, and will not be reactive to clicking.
 +====== 3.11 Procedures with multiple steps ======
 +For complicated procedures with an important number of intermediary actions, the user is guided through different steps like shown in the example.
 +The steps already passed and validated are indicated in normal font, the current step in bold font, and the next steps in italic font.
 +At every moment, the user can go back one ore more steps by simply clicking on the link of the corresponding step.
 +====== 3.12 Warning messages ======
 +The geoportal exchanges information with its user. This can be data or information concerning the user's actions.
 +===== 3.12.1 Information message =====
 +When an action of the user does not give any visible result on the screen, the system shows a message to indicate that the action has been done with success.  For examble, after sending an order, the system shows the following confirmation message:
 +{{ :en:3:msg_inf.png }}
 +===== 3.12.2 Error message =====
 +In case of an error, when entering data, the system alerts the user that some rules have not been respected and specifies the problem that has to be corrected. 
 +{{ :en:3:msg_err.png }}
 +===== 3.12.3 Confirmation request =====
 +The user sometimes has to proceed to actions which cannot be reversed. To evitate mistakes with heavy consequences, the system aks for explicit confirmation before proceding. 
 +This happes in form of a confirmation message to be validated by clicking on the  « OK » button, or the « Cancel » button.
 +{{ :en:3:msg_quest.png }}