A product and geodata provider of the geoportal, who offers products for sale in the geoportal, can handle the incoming orders of his products principally in two ways:
The following paragraphs explain the tasks of the providers concerning the incoming orders and estimate requests, in the case the orders are processed directly within the geoportal.
The tasks are:
To process the orders, click on “Handle the orders” in the menu “Providers”, in the function bar on the left of the geoportal page:
When this function il launched, a control panel of the ongoing orders, grouped by status, is displayed.
The order control panel indicates the active orders for each order status, either “to be processed” or “completed”.
The appearance and the handling are identical to the order control panel. Click on one of the status tabs or links to open the corresponding table containing all the orders in the selected state:
The tab of the orders to be processed looks like shown in the following picture:
The information shown in this list is:
The list is split into pages and can be sorted by:
The user can
… or click on an icon to open and process an order:
The information shown in the table is:
The list is split into pages and can be sorted by:
The user can click on the order number (link) to open the order summary which was saved when the order was sent.
Apart from the order details, the provider can find information about the customer, as it is shown in the picture below.
The information listed about the customer is:
The user can:
In the following paragraphs it is described how to manually process an estimate request or an order in the geoportal:
If the product provider has specified in the product settings that it is possible to require estimates of the product, the customer can use this possibility. When the provider has entered a price in the geoportal, this figure appears in the order summary, which then can be viewed by the customer after its updating.
Properties of the estimate:
The following messages can appear: “Please type a price for the order” → The provider has not yet typed a price “The price format is incorrect” → invalid characters
The manual processing of an order in the geoportal is similar to the processing of an estimate: click on the order number to open the corresponding dialog box.
Order properties:
The following messages can appear: “Please type a price for the order” → The provider has not yet typed a price “The price format is incorrect” → invalid characters