====== The Geoportal - www.geoportal.lu ===== * [[:en:MGP_1|1 Introduction]] * [[:en:MGP_2|2. General information]] * [[:en:MGP_2|2.1 Scope]] * [[:en:MGP_2|2.2 General architecture of the geoportail]] * [[:en:MGP_2|2.3 Conditions for using the geoportail]] * [[:en:MGP_2|2.4 General view of the geoportal]] * [[:en:MGP_3|3. Ergonomics]] * [[:en:MGP_3|3.1 Page structure]] * [[:en:MGP_3|3.2 Navigation principles]] * [[:en:MGP_3|3.3 Presentation of the content pages]] * [[:en:MGP_3|3.4 Footer]] * [[:en:MGP_3|3.5 Languages]] * [[:en:MGP_3|3.6 Paginated lists]] * [[:en:MGP_3|3.7 Sort]] * [[:en:MGP_3|3.8 Tags]] * [[:en:MGP_3|3.9 Actions]] * [[:en:MGP_3|3.10 Colours]] * [[:en:MGP_3|3.11 Procedures with multiple steps]] * [[:en:MGP_3|3.12 Warning messages]] * [[:en:MGP_3|3.12.1 Information message]] * [[:en:MGP_3|3.12.2 Error message]] * [[:en:MGP_3|3.12.3 Confirmation request]] * [[:en:MC_4|4. Actors, Authentification, Access, Rights and User Accounts]] * [[:en:MC_4|4.1 Actors in the geoportal]] * [[:en:MC_4|The "General Public"]] * [[:en:MC_4|The "Client"]] * [[:en:MC_4|The "Special client"]] * [[:en:MC_4|The actor "Provider"]] * [[:en:MC_4|4.2 Root Accounts& Subordinate Accounts]] * [[:en:MC_4|4.3 Connect to the geoportal]] * [[:en:MC_4|4.4 Manage the “Subordinate Accounts”]] * [[:en:MC_4|4.4.1 Hierarchical organization of the accounts]] * [[:en:MC_4|4.4.2 Manage the settings - « Contact » tag]] * [[:en:MC_4|4.4.3 Manage the settings - “Login” tag]] * [[:en:MC_4|4.4.4 Manage the settings - “Rights” tag]] * [[:en:MC_4|4.5 Manage the own Account (“My Account”)]] * [[:en:MC_4|4.5.1 My account - “Contact” tag]] * [[:en:MC_4|4.5.2 My account – “Login” tag]] 5 ===== Act as a Client ===== * [[en:mgp_6|6. Consulting the product catalog - Function « Our Products »]] * [[en:mgp_6|6.1 Searching for geoproducts by category]] * [[en:mgp_6|6.2 Multi-criteria search]] * [[en:mgp_6|6.3 Viewing the metadata of the geoproducts]] * [[en:mc_5|7. Ordering geoproducts - “Order” function]] * [[en:mc_5-1|7.1 Selecting a geoproduct]] * [[en:mc_5-2|7.2 Definition of the order’s geographic extent]] * [[en:mc_5-2a|7.2.1 Extent type "North-South Rectangle"]] * [[en:mc_5-2b|7.2.2 Order extent type "Polygon"]] * [[en:mc_5-2c|7.2.3 Order extent type "Circle"]] * [[en:mc_5-2c|7.2.4 Order extent type "Buffer"]] * [[en:mc_5-2e|7.2.5 Order extent type "TC20000 Map Sheet"]] * [[en:mc_5-2f|7.2.6 Order extent "1:5000 map sheet"]] * [[en:mc_5-2g|7.2.7 Order extent "Orthophoto"]] * [[en:mc_5-2h|7.2.8 Order extent type "Whole country"]] * [[en:mc_6|8. Order: Function « Manage my orders»]] * [[en:mc_6|8.1 Order overview]] * [[en:mc_6|8.2 Requests in the tag « Drafts »]] * [[en:mc_6|8.3 “Sent” orders]] * [[en:mc_6|8.4 “Received” orders]] * [[en:mc_6|8.5 “Archived” orders]] * [[en:mc_7|9. Create a new order from an existing order / estimate request]] * [[en:mc_8|10. Order: Function "Archive"]] ===== Functions of the geodata and product providers ===== * [[:en:mf_5|11. Functions of the "Geodata and product provider"]] * [[:en:mf_5-1|11.1 Function "Process the orders"]] * [[:en:mf_5-1#tableau_de_bord_des_demandes|11.1.1 Order control panel]] * [[:en:mf_5-1#demandes_de_type_a_traiter|11.1.2 Orders "To be processed"]] * [[:en:mf_5-1#demandes_de_type_traitees|11.1.3 Orders in status "Processed"]] * [[:en:mf_5-1#recapitulatif_de_la_commande|11.1.4 Order summary]] * [[:en:mf_5-1#traitement_manuel_d_une_commande|11.2 Manual processing of an order]] * [[:en:mf_5-1#devis|11.2.1 Estimate]] * [[:en:mf_5-1#commande|11.2.2 Order]] * [[:en:mf_5-2|11.3 Function "Manage the products"]] * [[:en:mf_5-2#la_definition_du_produit|11.3.1 Product definition]] * [[:en:mf_5-2#l_affectation_des_responsabilites_et_de_la_visibilite|11.3.2 Desgnation of the responsibilities and visibility of the product]] * [[:en:mf_5-2#bulletin_de_commande|11.3.3 Order form]] * [[:en:mf_5-3|11.4 Function "Manage the metadata"]] * [[:en:mf_5-3#raison_d_etre_des_metadonnees|11.4.1 About metadata]] * [[:en:mf_5-3#la_norme_iso_19115|11.4.2 The norm ISO 19115]] * [[:en:mf_5-3#la_saisie_des_metadonnees|11.4.3 Create metadata]] * [[:en:mf_5-3#les_champs_de_proprietes_supplementaires|11.4.4 Supplementary metadata fields]] * [[:en:mf_6|12. Publication of own geodata layers in the map windows]] * [[:en:mf_6#convention_sur_les_couches_a_publier_au_guichet_cartographique|12.1 Agreement about the layers to be published]] * [[:en:mf_6#mise_en_place_de_webservices_de_geodonnees_normalises|12.2 Create norm compliant webservices]] * [[:en:mf_6#integration_des_nouvelles_couches_de_geodonnees_dans_le_guichet_cartographique|12.3 Integration of new layers in the mapper]] * [[:en:mf_7|13. Access control to the providers' geodata using the geoportal's proxy]] * [[:en:mf_7#convention_sur_les_couches_a_publier_au_guichet_cartographique|13.1 Agreement about the layers to be published]] * [[:en:mf_7#mise_en_place_de_webservices_de_geodonnees_normalises|13.2 Create norm compliant webservices]] * [[:en:mf_7#integration_du_webservice_dans_le_proxy_wms_wfs_du_geoportail|13.3 Integration of the webservice in the proxy WMS/WFS of the geoportal]] * [[:en:mf_8|14. Technical information about the publication of webservices by the providers]] ===== Terms and Conditions ===== * [[:en:mcg_1|15. Conditions d'utilisation]] * [[:en:mcg_1#preface|15.1 Preface]] * [[:en:mcg_1#services_of_the_geoportal|15.2 Services of the geoportal]] * [[:en:mcg_1#target_group|15.2.1 Target group]] * [[:en:mcg_1#metadata_catalogs|15.2.2 Metadata catalogs]] * [[:en:mcg_1#online_geodata_viewing|15.2.3 Online geodata viewing]] * [[:en:mcg_1#online_order_of_geoproducts|15.2.4 Online order of geoproducts]] * [[:en:mcg_1#direct_access_to_geodata_content_through_standardised_webservices|15.2.5 Direct access to geodata content through standardised webservices]] * [[:en:mcg_1#special_functions_for_geodata_product_and_webservice_providers|15.2.6 Special functions for geodata, product and webservice providers]] * [[:en:mcg_1#prices|15.3 Prices]] * [[:en:mcg_1#responsibility|15.4 Responsibility]] * [[:en:mcg_1#applicable_law|15.5 Applicable law]] * [[:en:mcg_1#voidness|15.6 Voidness]] * [[:en:mcg_1#hypertext_links_and_linked_sites|15.7 Hypertext links and linked sites]] ====== Map.Geoportal - map.geoportal.lu ====== - [[en:map:mainview|Introduction]] - The new map portal - [[en:map:function:navigation|Map navigation]] - [[en:map:function:navigation#|Navigation by the direction button]] - [[en:map:function:navigation#|Navigation by mouse]] - [[en:map:function:navigation#|Zoom control]] - [[en:map:function:navigation#|Zoom by double click]] - [[en:map:function:navigation#|Zoom by scrolling]] - [[en:map:function:navigation#|Zoom by selection with the "Shift" button]] - [[en:map:function:navigation#|Zoom to the extent of the country]] - [[en:map:function:taskbar|The taskbar]] - [[en:map:function:taskbar#|Home button]] - [[en:map:function:taskbar#|Help button]] - [[en:map:function:taskbar#|Contact button]] - [[en:map:function:taskbar#|Legal bases button]] - [[en:map:function:taskbar#|Language bar]] - [[en:map:function:taskbar#|Show full map]] - [[en:map:function:taskbar#|Aerial Images]] - [[en:map:function:taskbar#|Background/basic plan choice]] - [[en:map:function:taskbar#|Previous map view]] - [[en:map:function:taskbar#|Next map view]] - [[en:map:function:taskbar#|Calculate distance]] - [[en:map:function:taskbar#|Calculate area]] - [[en:map:function:taskbar#|Fast research]] - [[en:map:function:taskbar#|Create a permalink to the actual map view]] - [[en:map:function:taskbar#|Print/Save the map to a PDF file]] - [[en:map:function:taskbar#|Drawing/Redlining action]] - [[en:map:function:taskbar#|"Redlining action" functions]] - [[en:map:function:rightmenu|The menu on your left]] - [[en:map:function:rightmenu#|Layer selection]] - [[en:map:function:rightmenu#|"Layer selection" options]] - [[en:map:function:rightmenu#|Catalog]] - [[en:map:function:rightmenu#|Hide/Show the menu]] - [[en:map:function:statustray|The status bar]] - [[en:map:function:statustray#|Map scale]] - [[en:map:function:statustray#|Map Preview/Overview]] - [[en:map:function:statustray#|Zoom level choice]] - [[en:map:function:statustray#|Coordinate system choice]] - [[en:map:function:statustray#|Coordinate indicator]] * [[en:map:FULL_GUIDE|Guide complet]] * [[en:map:full_guide_print|Guide complet - Version imprimable avec index]] __**Current documents on wiki:en**__ ~~NOCACHE~~ ~~PAGEINDEX=en~~