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en:legend:eau:badegewaesser [2024/06/17 08:16]
en:legend:eau:badegewaesser [2024/08/28 15:16] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 ===Bathing water=== ===Bathing water===
-|{{}}|Bathing prohibited, the bathing season starts on July 6|+|{{}}|Bathing prohibited, the bathing season starts on May 1st|
 |{{}}|Bathing is permitted| |{{}}|Bathing is permitted|
 |{{}}|Bathing is permitted but risk of cyanobacterial proliferation| |{{}}|Bathing is permitted but risk of cyanobacterial proliferation|
Line 6: Line 6:
 |{{}}|Bathing prohibited (short-term pollution)| |{{}}|Bathing prohibited (short-term pollution)|
en/legend/eau/badegewaesser.1718612167.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/06/17 08:16 by waassergis