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en:api:rest [2018/07/06 09:24] external edit
en:api:rest [2020/02/18 14:39] (current)
Line 90: Line 90:
   Example:    Example: 
-  //  //
 **Return parameters** **Return parameters**
-  * success: //success true/false// 
   * count: //Number of results found//    * count: //Number of results found// 
   * results: //List order by ascending distance//   * results: //List order by ascending distance//
Line 103: Line 102:
     * northing: //North Coordinates in LUREF coordinates//     * northing: //North Coordinates in LUREF coordinates//
     * address: //formatted address string//     * address: //formatted address string//
-    * AddressDetails: // Address Details // +    * zip: //Postcode// 
-      * zip: //Postcode// +    * Locality: //locality// 
-      * Locality: //locality// +    * id_caclr_street: //Street ID in national Address DB// 
-      * id_caclr_street: //Street ID in national Address DB// +    * street: //street name// 
-      * street: //street name// +    * postnumber: //hosuenumber// 
-      * postnumber: //hosuenumber// +    * id_caclr_building: //Building ID in national Address DB//
-      * id_caclr_building: //Building ID in national Address DB//+
-  +**Result**
-  Result: + {"count": 1, "results": [{"id_caclr_street": "19""id_caclr_bat": "1088", "street": "Avenue Gaston Diderich", "number": "54", "locality": "Luxembourg", "postal_code": "1420", "country": "Luxembourg""country_code": "lu", "distance": 10.4646819204298, "contributor": "ACT", "geom": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [75982.8968, 75113.6107995489]}, "geomlonlat": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [6.11254086249795, 49.6106380870988]}}]}
-  {"count": 1, "results": [{"distance": 8.2954085109112103, "geom": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [75983.84375, 75110.6796875]}, "name": "23,Avenue des Archiducs 1135 Luxembourg", "easting": 75983.84375, "address": "23 Avenue des Archiducs,1135 Luxembourg", "geomlonlat": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [6.11255434207935, 49.6106117587006]}, "AddressDetails": {"zip": "1135", "locality": "Luxembourg", "id_caclr_street": "15", "street": "Avenue des Archiducs", "postnumber": "23", "id_caclr_building": "571"}, "matching street": "Avenue des Archiducs", "northing": 75110.6796875}], "success": true}+
en/api/rest.1530869079.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/07/06 09:24 by