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en:legend:eau:fleissgewaessertypen_2021_lawa [2021/09/24 14:32]
waassergis created
en:legend:eau:fleissgewaessertypen_2021_lawa [2023/06/15 09:02]
Line 1: Line 1:
 ===Surface water typology 2021 (LAWA)=== ===Surface water typology 2021 (LAWA)===
-|{{}}|[[|Type 5]]|Small coarse substrate dominated siliceous highland rivers| +|{{}}|[[ de gestion/Typologie LAWA/2021/Typ 5.pdf|Type 5]]|Small coarse substrate dominated siliceous highland rivers| 
-|{{}}|[[|Type 6]]|Small fine substrate dominated calcareous highland rivers| +|{{}}|[[ de gestion/Typologie LAWA/2021/Typ 6.pdf|Type 6]]|Small fine substrate dominated calcareous highland rivers| 
-|{{}}|[[|Type 7]]|Small coarse substrate dominated calcareous highland rivers| +|{{}}|[[ de gestion/Typologie LAWA/2021/Typ 7.pdf|Type 7]]|Small coarse substrate dominated calcareous highland rivers| 
-|{{}}|[[|Type 9]]|Mid-sized fine to coarse substrate dominated siliceous highland rivers| +|{{}}|[[ de gestion/Typologie LAWA/2021/Typ 9.pdf|Type 9]]|Mid-sized fine to coarse substrate dominated siliceous highland rivers| 
-|{{}}|[[|Type 9.1]]|Mid-sized fine to coarse substrate dominated calcareous highland rivers| +|{{}}|[[ de gestion/Typologie LAWA/2021/Typ 9.1.pdf|Type 9.1]]|Mid-sized fine to coarse substrate dominated calcareous highland rivers| 
-|{{}}|[[|Type 9.2]]|Large highland rivers| +|{{}}|[[ de gestion/Typologie LAWA/2021/Typ 9.2.pdf|Type 9.2]]|Large highland rivers| 
- + 
 +[[|Hydromorphologische Steckbriefe der deutschen Fließgewaesssertypen]]
en/legend/eau/fleissgewaessertypen_2021_lawa.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/15 09:02 by waassergis